And cities are the physical places where people live, work and socialise. That is also where people develop their physical identities and their digital ones, because the digital is becoming more and more incorporated into the physical space.
It is for this reason that our office spaces could only be in the centre of the city.
This is where people are and where we can identify mega trends right at our doorstep, such as eMobility, Smart, Social Trends, among others…
The web has deeply changed the relationships between consumers and brands, dictating, among other things, the failure of the communication models based on broadcast media, such as traditional TV, Press and Radio ads. Globalization has contributed even more to undermine the Marketing models of the 20th century, by creating an attention economy, where the scarcest of resources has become the focus of a consumer that is swamped in the noise caused by the proliferation of an infinity of products and messages. Ibloom is a product of a new Marketing vision and how it can better people’s lives and communities and generate more value. Your company or organization needs an active presence in the digital world so that it can be more relevant in the markets in which it operates. It is not enough to have a website or to be in a social network: millions are created every day. It is based on this approach that ibloom develops its solutions, from the simplest ones to the more complex ones, which demand the development of an entire digital ecosystem and encompasses the many subjects of digital marketing.
Our founding team has a collaborative culture and it is constituted by very experienced professionals, from areas such as IT, web design and digital marketing.
With our focus being on people and in the disruptive role of technology, we develop the best brand experiences, helping brands and companies being relevant in the digital market, so that they create value to the consumers, their stake holders, collaborators and community at large.
We analyse the market where your brand competes
Construction and design of solutions
Implementation of the brand in digital platforms
Promotion of the experimentation of the brand
We analyse the market where your brand competes
Construction and design of solutions
Implementation of the brand in digital platforms
Promotion of the experimentation of the brand
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